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They had 20 guys that were willing to play their plan, and we didnt have enough willing to play ours

Last updated Nov 20, 2022 Edit Source

# They had 20 guys that were willing to play their plan, and we didnt have enough willing to play ours

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2022-11-18The Forum ReportThey had 20 guys that were willing to play their plan, and we didnt have enough willing to play ours

# Contributors

# Summary

Notes from the LA Kings’ 4-1 loss in Vancouver Friday night

DateSiteTitle / Internal Link
2022-11-18The Forum ReportThey had 20 guys that were willing to play their plan, and we didnt have enough willing to play ours

# Players

# Staff

# Notes and Quotes

# Anze Kopitar

Yeah we had some chances and everything, but way too loose in our zone, and way too loose in our decision-making, which led to goals against.

It shouldn’t be [a letdown]. If anything, we should ride the wave and be on the high coming into this game, and like I said, we just didn’t play well enough.

# Todd McLellan

They had 20 guys that were willing to play their plan, and we didn’t have enough willing to play ours.

I thought we had some good performances tonight, and I thought we had some poor ones. For as much as you’d always like to keep your team together and not separate it, I thought there were some individuals that let us down tonight rather group as a whole. Sometimes you’ve got to play the game a certain way. It may not be the way you like it. It may be ugly, it may be grinding, it might not be cute, but that’s the way you have to play it, and we had some that couldn’t accept that or didn’t want to, and I believe that cost us.

[Blake Lizotte] had 10 last year and was injured. He’s a very competitive player. He shows up in games like this. He shows up every night, really. It’s funny, when you have a player like that that gives you every last ounce of everything he has, when he makes a mistake they’re much more livable than maybe players that don’t quite get to that level. And that’s why his teammates love him. It rubs off on teammates, it’s infectious … and I’m happy for him. Every time we get to put him on the ice, I think he gives us everything he has.

# Blake Lizotte

I definitely want to get over that 10-goal mark. I’m thinking more along the lines of 15 – that’s kind of what you shoot for. A little better than last year. If you do that every year, you end up in a pretty good start.

JAD’s come in and played pretty well, so you’ve got to find a way quick to get some chemistry, and we’ve done that. I think generally overall our game’s stayed somewhat similar with staying tight in our system and playing with energy and forechecking and playing physically, so I don’t think it’s changed a whole lot, other than we’re just getting a few bounces that are going in our net.