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Taylor Ward Preseason Postgame 10-8

Last updated Oct 9, 2022 Edit Source

# Taylor Ward Preseason Postgame 10-8

2022-10-08Ontario Reign on YoutubeTaylor Ward Preseason Postgame 10-8

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# Players

# Summary

# Notes

Q: well it’s preseason but I know you guys want to take that seriously and use it as a tune-up how did you feel tonight and what was it like playing in the in the environment here A: I mean it was good to get out for our first game of the year and we look forward to the season starting all summer so it’s good to get out there with the guys um I wish I would have went a little bit better I thought we were a little bit sloppy there but you know it’s the first game we got a week now to dial in and then it’s regular season so we’ll get there

Q: a lot of special teams how tough is that to play you know your first game with this team and uh you’re kind of dealt with a lot of a lot of penalties A: yeah for sure I mean I think that’s pretty typical first game of the season everybody’s you know pretty excited to get out there and get a bit Chippy at times so a lot of special teams but we’re going to face that in the regular season too so something to get used to I think

Q: it’s been a longer preseason for you because of rookie camp and then King’s camp now it’s Reign Camp how’s your body feeling I’m sure you’re pretty excited for a real game that’s going to count in the standings on Friday A: yeah yeah for sure um I’ve been feeling good um you’re right it’s been a long long grind here the last month um but I think I’m feeling good and just excited to get the regular season going

Q: what are some of the things you guys have worked on in The Limited practice time you’ve had as a as a group what are some of the things that that Marco’s focused on with you guys A: uh We’ve touched on a lot of things um systematically but mostly Marco just wants us to go out there and you know give it our all you know play with Pace play with uh with work ethic and really enjoy the Kings and the Reign mentalities go fast and strong and hard so that’s what we’re trying to do and uh just look where they’re getting out there on one Friday and doing it for real

Q: play with Akil Thomas a little bit here what’s it like kind of playing with him obviously a guy who has a really good amount of talent A: yeah he’s a great player obviously he’s on that pass there in the third he’s made a great play he plays his speed he can shoot the bunk and he can pass so he open plays playing with him as my centerman for sure