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Takeaways - LA Kings 4, Calgary Flames 3 – Fire Extinguishers

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# Takeaways - LA Kings 4, Calgary Flames 3 – Fire Extinguishers

DateSiteExternal Link
2022-12-23Hockey RoyaltyTakeaways - LA Kings 4, Calgary Flames 3 – Fire Extinguishers

# Contributors

# Summary

The LA Kings beat the Calgary Flames 4-3 in thrilling fashion. In a back-and-forth game, the Kings play one of their most exciting games of the year and extend their winning streak to four straight games. Gabriel Vilardi is BACK (and the third line is clicking) A hot start to the second We’re going streaking!

DateSiteTitle / Internal Link
2022-12-23Hockey RoyaltyTakeaways - LA Kings 4, Calgary Flames 3 – Fire Extinguishers

# Players

# Staff

# Notes and Quotes