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Quotes, notes and video from the LA Kings 6-1 loss in Pittsburgh

Last updated Oct 26, 2022 Edit Source

# Quotes, notes and video from the LA Kings 6-1 loss in Pittsburgh

2022-10-21Hockey RoyaltyQuotes, notes and video from the LA Kings 6-1 loss in Pittsburgh
2022-10-21Hockey RoyaltyQuotes, notes and video from the LA Kings 6-1 loss in Pittsburgh

# Contributors

# Summary

Despite a strong opening 20 minutes, the LA Kings found themselves down 3-0 after one and were never able to recover, eventually losing 6-1 to the Pittsburgh Penguins.

# Players

# Staff

# Notes and Quotes

Includes powerplay video breakdown

# Anze Kopitar

Being down 3-0 after the first period certainly doesn’t help. But the thing is, you know, the period, as bad as the score was, I didn’t think our play was that bad. Just a couple of tough breaks and we were down 3-0, and you’re obviously playing catch up, you’re trying to make something happen, and it didn’t happen tonight.

It wasn’t meant to be tonight

# Todd McLellan

When I look at the start we had, I thought we played the way we wanted to play. We played fast, we were aggressive, we forced them into situations where they had to turn the puck over, and things were going pretty well for us. Even after the first goal, I thought we responded well, but by the time it got to three, unfortunately, it wasn’t the same way anymore, and obviously, we’d like to have a couple of those back in the first period.

We’re trying, just like we would with forwards and defensemen, to get (Petersen) to where he can be, and he has to be better. I can’t stand here and bull*hit you guys, it is what it is. There are others that have to be better as well in certain situations, but we had the momentum, and we couldn’t close it.