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Quinton Byfield is ready for his history-making moment at the NHL Draft

Last updated Oct 26, 2022 Edit Source

# Quinton Byfield is ready for his history-making moment at the NHL Draft

2020-10-06The AthleticQuinton Byfield is ready for his history-making moment at the NHL Draft
2020-10-06The AthleticQuinton Byfield makes history as highest-drafted Black player

# Contributors

# Summary

Family friends knew it. Others in the hockey community did, too. Quinton Byfield is special, they’d say. He’s going to do something big with hockey someday.

# Players

# Staff

# Notes and Quotes

I think I was pretty good at soccer. But the possibilities are next to none when it comes to making it and you are from Canada. I liked hockey a lot more and most of my buddies were hockey fans. My family always supported me and let’s say they supported me a little more with hockey because they loved it, too. I am glad it went that way.

I think (the expectations) kind of started when I made it at (York-Simcoe Express). I had to make my way onto the roster. I was the tall guy, but uncoordinated a little bit. People probably did not think I was too good. Once I felt comfortable, I saw I could kind of be a good player. I started being a little bit better at hockey and it started from there. In my seven years at YSE, I kept growing and improved.

I was fortunate to get all the lucky genes, I guess. My parents did not make me do just one sport. I got training in every sport. Whatever sport I liked the most, they let me do it and that was really good. It allowed me to become more of an athlete as well. The cool part is that’s how my parents grew up as well.

It was an older TV with the box on the back. It was nice to spend time with him. It was really good. We would just talk hockey and be able to enjoy the game and watch them together. Back then it was just about the game and cheering for the team we wanted to win.

I knew he was a huge supporter of mine and believed in me quite a bit. If he was here, I think he’d be super proud.

I used to be a defenseman growing up and he was a good offensive defenseman. [Sergei Gonchar] was the catalyst on those Pittsburgh teams on the back end. He really did not get too much publicity with Crosby and Malkin, but still got attention and for me, he was the backbone.

I’d probably say bantam is when I started to realize I had a little bit more to give. I started working really hard and it has worked out so far and hopefully, it keeps on working.

Honestly, I was surprised. I was just a kid growing up just thinking about playing hockey and having fun with my friends. I was living in the moment and just wanted to give my team a chance to win. I never thought about it until later on and then I had to get serious about it, consider the real chances I had. It was definitely a surprise when people were saying that in the beginning.

Stamkos is definitely one of those people I looked up to, so to get a picture with him was really cool. He was super kind and generous. He let us take two minutes of his time. The thing I learned was just being available and learning how to be available for a lot of people. It made my day. Hopefully, if I stop for someone to do the same, it can make that person’s day. All you have to do is just take a minute, pause and give back a little bit.

I think I have been pretty fortunate with all the great things that have happened to me. I have been lucky enough to play and be healthy. Knock on wood, I have had a pretty good experience and giving back in any way I can, it is important to me.

I think it is definitely something special and I want to be the highest Black drafted in the NHL. I think that would be something really special. I think that it shows that having guys like Evander Kane and Seth Jones and P.K. Subban getting drafted and being impact players helped me growing up. It gave me the example that I could do it some day. Maybe I could see myself as a player. Now it is my time and my turn to take that role. It would be special to know that with this new generation that you could make an impact.