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Projected Lineups - LA Kings vs AZ Coyotes, Here Come the Kids

Last updated Dec 5, 2022 Edit Source

# Projected Lineups - LA Kings vs AZ Coyotes, Here Come the Kids

DateSiteExternal Link
2022-12-01Hockey RoyaltyProjected Lineups - LA Kings vs AZ Coyotes, Here Come the Kids

# Contributors

# Summary

LA Kings management temporarily pressed the pause button on their season yesterday. An all hands on deck meeting was held with GM Rob Blake, the coaching staff, and players. It wasn’t as much about the wild game on Tuesday vs. Seattle, as much as it was an opportunity to address the first 25 games played thus far in 2022-23.

DateSiteTitle / Internal Link
2022-12-01Mayors ManorProjected Lineups - LA Kings vs AZ Coyotes, Here Come the Kids

# Players

# Staff

# Notes and Quotes