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Practice Notebook 10-5

Last updated Oct 17, 2022 Edit Source

# Practice Notebook 10-5

2022-10-05LA Kings InsiderPractice Notebook 10-5

# Contributors:

# Players

# Summary

Another day of practice here at Toyota Sports Performance Center as we approach Opening Night six days from today. The Kings are at the point in the process where they need to start making decisions on final roster moves. Todd McLellan described the group right now as players in one of three distinct categories, all with varying degrees of importance over the course of these next two games.

# Notes

They’re get ready and polish games. I think we have players right now that fall into three different buckets. We have guys that have had really good camps and are excelling, we probably don’t have to worry about them. We have players that have struggled lately and it’s clear they’re maybe not ready, we probably don’t have to worry about them. Then we have a group in the middle that is still finding their way. – Todd McLellan

Take Phil Danault’s line, they’ve only played in two games, one was in Ontario, which was an awful night under different circumstances, so they’re still trying to find their game. We’ll make sure that in these next two games, we’re trying to get ready and feel good about ourselves individually and collectively, and then go from there, but the opportunity part of it is gone for a lot of players. – Todd McLellan

# Sean Durzi shoulder surgery rehab

We’re confident that he’s done the work. The people that needed to sign off on it have signed off on it. Now, it’s about getting him reps in game situations to make sure he feels comfortable and confident in his own game and the team game. – Todd McLellan

I’m very confident. I mean, at the end of the day, I’ve got a good team around me that will make the best decision but personally, I’m confident and feeling better than ever and I’m excited. I’m enjoying it, but at the end of the day you want to play, it’s why you do it, it’s why you compete and that feeling of competition every day is what I’m looking forward to. I’m one-hundred percent confident, feeling good, we’ll see what the future brings here. – Sean Durzi

It’s been good, I’ve had a couple of good weeks and we’ve got two games coming up so we’ll see what happens there but feeling good, feeling better every day. Like I said before, it’s just nice that it feels better than it did last season. I’m going continue to work to get my stuff in, get the reps in and feel better every day. – Sean Durzi