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Possession Chart - 10-13 vs SEA

Last updated Oct 17, 2022 Edit Source

# Possession Chart - 10-13 vs SEA

2022-10-14The Forum ReportPossession Chart - 10-13 vs SEA
2022-10-14The Forum ReportPossession Chart - 10-13 vs SEA

# Contributors

# Players

# Staff

# Summary

Forum Report is very excited to bring you this feature, which will break simple possession statistics into a more nuanced understanding of who’s driving the play and how they’re doing it. It’s storytelling in chart form with some bullet points – a data-driven enhancement to what you saw the previous night. All statistics and commentary reflect the team’s five-on-five play.

# Notes and Quotes

He’s bigger, he’s stronger, he’s skating better, he’s over top of pucks a lot more. The evaluation tool on the exterior is all these goals and assists and ‘can he be that’ or whatever. In my mind, he’s already a better player now than he was last year at this point. – Todd McLellan on Quinton Byfield