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Playoff Playbook - LAKs Counter-Offensive

Last updated Oct 26, 2022 Edit Source

# Playoff Playbook - LAKs Counter-Offensive

2022-05-11The Hockey Tactics NewsletterPlayoff Playbook - LAKs Counter-Offensive
2022-05-11The Hockey Tactics NewsletterPlayoff Playbook - LAKs Counter-Offensive

# Contributors

# Summary

The Los Angeles Kings are a game away from upsetting the high-powered Edmonton Oilers.

Through five games, LAK is not widely outplaying EDM (15 goals for, 21 against), but has managed to eke out wins by keeping the game tight at 5v5 (11GF, 11GA) and out-working EDM at critical moments, especially off neutral-zone turnovers.

# Players

# Staff

# Notes and Quotes