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MATHESON - This time, Kings have Doughty to face Oilers

Last updated Nov 17, 2022 Edit Source

# MATHESON - This time, Kings have Doughty to face Oilers

DateSiteExternal Link
2022-11-15Edmonton SunMATHESON - This time, Kings have Doughty to face Oilers

# Contributors

# Summary

The playoff series between the Edmonton Oilers and Los Angeles Kings last May was good to the last drop of Game 7, so much so we almost forgot that Hall of Famer in waiting Drew Doughty was a cheerleader in the press box, not down on the ice playing almost half the game as is his normal routine.

DateSiteTitle / Internal Link
2022-11-15Edmonton SunMATHESON - This time, Kings have Doughty to face Oilers

# Players

# Staff

# Notes and Quotes

# Drew Doughty

We were talking about it in Game 6 (of the first round) if we had won, what were the chances (of suiting up).

I said I’d do whatever it took to play in the playoffs because I hadn’t been there for a long time. I was willing to risk further injury. Maybe not the right choice.

My tendon just tore, stick battle and it (wrist) just snapped. I numbed it but once the numbing (pain killer) wore off in the middle of the night it was the most painful thing I’ve had in my whole career. I’m sure I could have figured how to do it (one-armed with maybe a hard cast under his glove) to get into the playoffs (in some fashion), but playing every other day? I don’t think I could have done that.

I brush my teeth, I do everything with my right hand. Actually it was kind of nice trying to use my left … I don’t even text with that one. I was able to take a piece of the cast (right wrist) off. I actually worried when I’d play [FIFA] on game days when the guys were napping. We’d be yelling at each other if somebody scored.

I was there for leadership, to keep the team loose. I think I did a good job of that being their biggest supporter from upstairs, rooting them on. I was very impressed with our team, how well Quickie (goalie Jonathan Quick) played. He made it a close series and we had a chance to win (up 3-2), no doubt about it. I was very proud of guys who had never played a playoff game before. It’s a whole different game. What better time than to play against the best player in the world.

It would be an absolute honour playing with [Connor McDavid]. I can’t even imagine what it would be like, how easy it would be. I hope that day will come.

When he gets the puck, honestly, it’s an automatic threat. Leon (Draisaitl) is very difficult to play against as well but not the same as Connor. I don’t think anybody is. When he’s winding up in his own zone, without the puck, it’s a 3-on-2, or a breakaway … that’s how fast and good he is. Just tried to study Connor a bit. from up top. Don’t know if it’s going to work (in a game). I think I’ve played good against him but he wins a lot of the battles. That’s the way it goes.

# Todd McLellan

No doubt we missed him. He means so much to our team. After his surgery he worked so hard and his body was healing. Would he have played the next round? That’s hypothetical? We don’t know, but he’d have tried. We don’t have to worry about that now.