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LA Kings Predictions for 2021 NHL Entry Draft - Round 1

Last updated Nov 13, 2022 Edit Source

# LA Kings Predictions for 2021 NHL Entry Draft - Round 1

DateSiteExternal Link
2022-07-23Mayors ManorLA Kings Predictions for 2021 NHL Entry Draft - Round 1

# Contributors

# Summary

Buckle up, the next 48 hours should be wild. Coming out of an 18 month period where nothing was normal in the hockey world, the NHL is set to stage their annual Entry Draft this weekend. And we’re here to give you all the scoops we’ve dug up regarding the LA Kings.

DateSiteTitle / Internal Link
2021-07-23Mayors ManorLA Kings Predictions for 2021 NHL Entry Draft - Round 1

# Players

# Staff

# Notes and Quotes