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LA Kings, Kopitar aim to correct mistakes - Notes on Quick, Vilardi, Fiala

Last updated Oct 17, 2022 Edit Source

# LA Kings, Kopitar aim to correct mistakes - Notes on Quick, Vilardi, Fiala

2022-10-14LA Kings, Kopitar aim to correct mistakes - Notes on Quick, Vilardi, Fiala
2022-10-12Hockey RoyaltyLA Kings, Kopitar aim to correct mistakes - Notes on Quick, Vilardi, Fiala

# Contributors

# Players

# Staff

# Summary

Todd McLellan didn’t mince words following the game, calling the game’s fourth goal “stupidity” on his team’s part.

# Notes and Quotes

We’ll get it corrected for sure. You can chalk it up to a first game and all of that, but the bottom line is we just can’t afford to lose a game like that with the amount of mistakes that we made. – Anze Kopitar

Well, the end result because we were still in it at the end of the night, so losing the game that we got an outstanding effort by our goaltender, and we still had a chance to win and had a chance on point, really. Obviously, the focus is going to be on the play at the end, which makes no sense, it’s hard to defend it, but our team gave up 51 shots on goal tonight. – Todd McLellan

He’s proven it for 15 years, so it’s certainly something that we’ve talked about before and I’m sure we’re going to talk about it again moving forward. – Anze Kopitar

I just came (to camp) with the mentality to take it day-by-day. I felt like I put so much pressure on myself since I turned pro, honestly. So, just coming in and playing. That’s it. – Gabe Vilardi

While I’ve seen him in a number of games, I guess this will be the first one for regular season and the fans. He’s got a skill set that’s going to be real valuable to our team. He’s still finding his way with his linemates and within our system. – Todd McLellan