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Kings look to settle in vs Seattle after sloppy opener

Last updated Nov 11, 2022 Edit Source

# Kings look to settle in vs Seattle after sloppy opener

2022-10-12LA Daily NewsKings look to settle in vs. Seattle after sloppy opener
2022-10-12LA Daily NewsKings look to settle in vs Seattle after sloppy opener

# Contributors

# Summary

After a mistake-laden opening-night loss to Vegas, the Kings hope to rebound against the Kraken on Thursday.

# Players

# Staff

# Notes and Quotes

# Anze Kopitar

We’ll correct that for sure. You can chalk it up to a first game and all of that, but the bottom line is that we just can’t afford to lose a game like that, especially with the amount of mistakes that we made.

# Todd McLellan

We’ve preached and preached about it, but sometimes you’ve got to get hit pretty hard with a two-by-four and maybe this was it.

What [Gabe Vilardi]’s done is he’s come in and won ice time and he’s earned the opportunity to be in key situations and he continued to play. I thought he was one of our better players again.