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Kings hit road in search of special-teams improvement

Last updated Nov 1, 2022 Edit Source

# Kings hit road in search of special-teams improvement

2022-10-30LA Daily NewsKings hit road in search of special-teams improvement
2022-10-30LA Daily NewsKings hit road in search of special-teams improvement

# Contributors

# Summary

The first game of the trip will put a premium on avoiding or killing Blues power plays, while the Kings must get better with the power play

# Players

# Staff

# Notes and Quotes

# Todd McLellan

Now the consistency thing is something that we need to grow.

# Gabe Vilardi

We should score a power-play goal every game. If we get four or five looks, which we’ve been getting every night, we should be scoring a goal a game.

It doesn’t matter where I play, I want to make an impact and make a difference for the team, both offensively, obviously that’s my goal, but defensively as well.