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Kevin Fiala - 9.26

Last updated Oct 14, 2022 Edit Source

# Kevin Fiala - 9.26

2022-09-26LA Kings Insider on YouTubeKevin Fiala - 9.26
2022-09-26LA Kings Insider on YouTubeKevin Fiala - 9.26

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# Summary

Sep 26, 2022 Kevin Fiala addresses the media following a 2-1 preseason win over Vegas.

# Notes and Quotes

yeah good first win um even though if it’s preseason it’s uh we we it was a tough game you know we fall back and stick with it and uh yeah won the game so uh we’re happy when your goal there look like a giving go between you and Brent Clark why don’t you could kind of take us through how you saw that play develop your point of view well it was a clear-cut three or two and we delayed a little bit it was a great pass from both of them and uh obviously I could delay a little more and I swear to go how important was it you know the way that Brian Clark kind of Drew two defenseman yeah to give you that space how big was that it was huge I mean he could have shot it he went I passed him first he had a clear Lane to shoot it from the slot and decided to pass it to me so I had more space and the guy came sliding at me so I could delay even more so it was a great play by him for sure first opportunity for you to skate with Andre and Adrian in a game against another team you know how did you kind of see your guys’s chemistry develop as the game went on what’s better and better I thought you know obviously first game and so yeah we will get better for sure but as the first game it was it was fine you know it was a good chemistry there here and there and so happy now but we got more on us how do you approach the power play so early in the preseason like I think just one practice where you guys even made a chance to work on it how do you kind of go into that without that practice so far yeah I just uh you know use your brain and try to play hockey you know obviously we’re gonna look at it for sure and many more times before that before the season starts so we have time and we scored on the OT winner so you know that’s what you have to do kind of when you have a such opportunity like that so and with it so that’s good appreciate it thank you