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GM Rob Blake speaks to the media before the 2022-23 Regular Season

Last updated Oct 12, 2022 Edit Source

# GM Rob Blake speaks to the media before the 2022-23 Regular Season

2022-10-10LA Kings on YouTubeGM Rob Blake speaks to the media before the 2022-23 Regular Season

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# Summary

GM Rob Blake speaks to the media before the 2022-23 Regular Season

# Notes and Quotes

Q: Brandt Clarke’s on the roster, 19 years old, could you talk about the thought process as he starts the year with starting the year with a kid that young

A: yeah I think we we have some experience in on our staff I think Trent Yawney’s done a terrific job with some young D in the different organizations he’s been in so we’ve relied on his help on that uh Jim Hiller went through the situation with a young guy and the Islanders a couple years ago so basically comes down to making sure when he does get in the lineup he’s going to get the right amount of minutes to to keep developing I think his play through rookie camp and training camp uh put him to a level where where we want to see him in the NHL and and that kind of went into the decision process and uh but but now the step is to make sure that it keeps going that way and we’ll let that play out here the the first little while and and probably have to reevaluate again

Q: Rob, following off of that what is it that you saw in his game and you broke it down where you felt comfortable have him start here

A: I think he can play in all situations use him a lot on penalty kill um which which can give you an opportunity to get the minutes needed to keep developing at the NHL level uh Power Play obviously you see that you see the deception and and uh his hockey IQ and that but also defending you know a good in his sense and his defending and that he’s going to have to learn to protect himself a little bit more guys are bigger and stronger at this level than Junior but I think the all-around game there’s a lot of aspects that that would allow a player when he does get in the lineup in the regular season to maintain those minutes that are going to help progress

Q: Lot of depth on the right side in th lineup does that kind of allow you to ease him in and you know is there a drive from that group you like seeing on the left side yeah

A: well we’ve tried quite a few over there you know Sean Walker’s played there at times I think we got to get them comfortable coming back from knee surgery before we experiment again with the left side uh Sean Durzi saw the last game slide over there and and made that transition really easy and we’ve used Brandt Clark a couple times over there so the availability to open up that left side within our defense can can increase the getting Brandt in the lineup getting the minutes he needs

Q: Rob, five and a half years yeah can you confirm any speculation about contract extension for yourself

A: well it was done basically done last year and during the summer there was never really an official announcement just because we didn’t feel we needed to on that aspect um but yeah that was that was taken care of their uh probably I would say just immediately after the season was over

Q: And short of winning the Cup what does succeess mean to you at this time

A: progress again continued progress I mean we made a big step getting back in the playoffs now you’ve got to hold that level and keep getting into and but I think the roster starts to take a little more shape you know you had a few pieces to free agency you give the young guys a couple more years to get up and running at the NHL level now you put the emphasis on them producing and helping us keep winning

Q: Rob, it’s hard and Todd said it right off the bat and it and I think some of the group have talked about it you know the word expectations what’s worried Is that something where you feel like now the club is at that point to embrace the heightening expectations

A: I I think so and with expectations there comes a lot that goes with it I think we really have to Define within our interior walls what what we expect out of this group and and to that you know just building and getting better every time we’re on the ice we got to get better we got to get our special teams better we need a lot of areas of our game need to increase uh you know from a year ago to keep that level but but those expectations and we’ve talked to the players and everything it’s from within we we Define that on a personal level and as a team level and and their expectations that we we we want these guys to meet

Q: On special teams, Jim Hiller has joined the staff power plays look a little bit different so far what did you like about him when he brought him in and what he’s kind of done with that so far.

A: yeah that and Todd had a big say in that obviously uh he wanted experience in filling that role when that when that role became open he he definitely wanted experience just because of the the Avenue that he felt our team was at and that he wanted to put that right into it um I think on the power play you know it’s another year of of adding a couple different younger players into that uh equation however we roll out you know one or two units and then the addition of fiala gives you a different look on that so you can see a little bit different movement on our power play than we’ve had in the past

Q: How long did it take you to process the game 7 loss that was a tough situation to be so up and down. for you personally through the summer, how long did it take you to process it

A: um I I think it was more of a building process of oh okay we not only got in the playoffs but you pushed the team pretty far and we had an opportunity at home here to to get things that we unfortunately didn’t take that next step but I I do think it exposed a lot of our younger players due to injury to to a real heightened level of play and also in a market that you know was striving for the playoffs there and and so everything around it you just take that and continue to build on it

Q: Rob when you look at Fiala now that you get a chance to watch him day in and day out anything kind of catch you off guard and how do you assess how he’s fit in

A: Puck protection probably number one right uh the the ability to protect in tight tight areas he’s got real real good hockey Vision there and an IQ and making plays in that but he battles to protect pucks and he gives us an element that I’m not sure we had a whole bunch in this organization he’s he’s a natural scorer a lot of high-end offense and and very creative in in the types of plays he wants to make uh you know probably from the red line in

Q: last season you’ve got career highs from Kempe you had Danault show a new dimension to his game is there any sense in your Roundup was that a fluke or is that the beginning of something new I mean how do you judge that how do you look at that

A: um well I I see progress in those guys games I’ll speak I guess first on Kempe he’s been in the organization for a long time we saw glimpses of that you know at the times they they may have been 10 or 15 game stretches and there would be some stretches where it wasn’t so you know the more complete uh player I I think has come out of him throughout the years and and and the fit within the lineup now too um you know with Phil I think our you know when we acquired them it was you know we knew we were getting a good player we weren’t sure at that level of offense and and now um he seems to find a real good compliment with Trevor Moore and Avridsson and in the way they play uh down low and everything but yeah we definitely have a a you know an expectation of Phil that that now increases offensively um but I think a lot of it surrounds around his leadership I felt that he added a big touch to that but but you know that was created excitement that some of those players bought in and now we have to get that out of Kevin Fiala we have to get it out of some of our young guys that are are going to take a little bit more prominent roles on the team

Q: Rob, on Fiala, we know that Minnesota had some cap difficulties obviously but when did you first kind of Target him kind of really had him in mind as as a possibility

A: yeah it’s a little different situation a lot of times you know as you prepare for free agency you’re Gathering lists of of players that you know are free agents and and you know contract wise and understand that first of all you had to I guess find the uh the need for that type of player within our lineup and what it would do but then there’s also players that names come about just because of certain situations where their teams not necessarily free agents and now now you have to go and try to acquire it so there was a process leading up to it that that all teams do you speak to all teams and understand kind of players available but it fit a specific need we were looking for that we may have had to address in free agency but were able to do it beforehand just because of the situation

Q: how quickly does the deal come together

A: uh it was probably a well it it’s a longer process in the car in the in the um the talks and everything this one was a little bit different in uh the opportunity to to have to you know get a contract in place for the player and that but as far as the real negotiations there’s a four or five day window where you go back and forth um when you know both teams are actually serious about trying to get a deal done some sometimes there’s a lot of process beforehand that takes place but when when you understand both sides want to get the same thing accomplished then then you go to work

Q: Rob, what do you do with all the right handed defensemen now.

A: well yeah no it’s uh it’s a unique situation I’m not sure we see it too often in the league you see a lot of lefties over righties like I said I think Trent’s been good at experimenting or or or trying like with with the Durzi and the Walker and Clarke and uh these are good players that I don’t I don’t feel a necessary worried about having to put a guy on the left side it’s just the way our makeup is on our team um you know with some of the injuries last year to Walker to Doughty to Roy we had to put some guys in the lineup early with Durzi and and he took advantage of that and Jordan Spence they just happen to be all be righties

Q: Talking about Spence, is it tough to have the conversation with him?

A: yeah he’s a very good player yep I had to have that with him with Rasmus Kupari with Jacob Moverare you know a number of players there um I still think those players can learn in the American League I I think a player eventually if he’s good enough and he’s an everyday NHL player there’ll come a point when he’s not going to learn a lot more in the American League I I still think we can get some uh things accomplished out of these players and that was our message was you did a terrific job you’ve done everything we’ve asked you to do so far we still think you can get better and we’re gonna we’re gonna need you down the stretch

Q: how do you evaluate Quinton Byfield’s preseason what are you looking for we’re getting the information that he’s alright.

A: well I I think he is I I you know unfortunately we had a little setback during training camp here with with an illness there that kept him out a week and a half and probably took uh I think we had scheduled maybe five preseason games and he ended up not getting getting that we would hope so uh I liked you know both Todd and I talked about his last preseason game the the fit with that line just where he sits in the lineup is what we’re excited about and allowing them to kind of become the player he’s had he’s had a tough injury a year ago that set him back but both times he’s come into Camp ready to go and and look to us like he could earn that spot and uh he’ll get his chance there now

Q: What about Cal Petersen and your concerns if any about him

A: yeah no we you know I think he can be better than he was in preseason and he knows that he had a period where he had an injury there in Vegas and had to come out of the lineup for a little bit and then get put back into a couple games um you know in in those situations near the end of Camp we’re we’re trying to get both goalies ready for camp and and we know we had specific games in that I think their situation both Jonathan Quick and Cal is the exact same as it was last year they’re going to battle each other for those starts but but in turn that’s going to help our team

Q: Rob, how do you forecast the Pacific this year you know lost to Edmonton wound up getting where they were in transition

A: they’re they’re good teams they’re all good teams and then I don’t think you know that that part of the equation it works itself out and everything we understand we’re going to be in a battle to get in just like we were last year we want to be a little more consistent um you know as especially on the Special Teams both penalty kill and power play throughout but just the dictate the style of play that we want early on in the season too

Q: Kempe’s always seemed to have a great work ethic, constitution. um has he’s now become a veteran like how how is his leadership vocal Drive how is that playing out

A: it takes more a prominent role I think we saw that a little bit last year coming out with them um uh more so just in the everyday game or the everyday approach like I said I think his biggest accomplishment last year was his consistency right from day one and and obviously scored a A large number of goals but but that transfers over to okay we we need that again outta you. so so not only are we expecting that we know we can accomplish it but but the leadership part that comes with it and when you get into tight situations or you get into an overtime situation and you’re relying on a big player to step up he’s now at that level for us

Q: What factors went into the decision to go with 7 D as opposed to 8 D

A: oh well Lots I I think the way you look at it if you’re in our 12 or our starting six which we would project upstairs regardless of your situation in the CBA way realize you’re we’re making a spot right now you have the ability to carry uh three extra players whether it’s two forwards or a d then we we have to look a little bit at the waivers and and understand that we want to protect some of the assets and the players and there’s a few players that didn’t need waivers to go down but we also felt that they can still build their game down there so um and we all know I mean knock on wood today is as healthy as we’ve been in in a full year I think we got back to it on Sunday we saw every player back we know we’re going to deal with injuries and we’re going to need some added depth down there that can come in and play

Q: What strides have you seen from Gabe Villardi in preseason after the time he had last year

A: well I I think he had a real good preseason last year and uh he’s playing alongside I think Lias and Quentin and both those two ran into injuries and uh you know his first four or five games probably wasn’t the start after coming off that camp he continued to build um you saw him in a slightly different role this year I think on the Special Teams a little net front which which kind of fits his characteristics he’s got uh real good size protects the puck well got good vision and everything and in good hand-eye would move in plays so I think he can compliment our special teams and he was having some success in the uh preseason with that now we’ve got to build off that but uh but yeah I know he came in and uh and he was one of the players that um you know when I said we got 12 and you’re looking for two or three extras in there he was able to separate himself from a group because of the way he played

Q: what’s the status of Alex Turcotte

A: uh turk he obviously dealing with a concussion injury that uh that he sustained at the end of last year um and was on track doing well in the summer but then had a setback during the summer in summer hockey so we’re dealing with that uh he’s currently in uh in a stage of his rehab where he’s skating on his own um you know progressing from that point uh we have some medical appointments next week for him if everything goes as planned and in the way it’s corrected uh he’ll soon start working his way back into a non-contact spot in practice and we’ll go from there but it uh it’s it’s a difficult situation for him and and for us but we we have to put the health of him first I know we want him to do all this and everything but he has to be healthy with himself in in that situation before he can get back into a practice

Q: Rob is it more difficult to make the jump from non-contending team to playoff team than go from playoff team to like serious Stanley Cup Contender now because you’re not going to sneak up on anybody

A: yeah we’re not sneaking up on it um yeah I would I would say it’s tougher once you once you become a playoff team to be able to become a real Contender yeah because it’s because now you’re dealing with really really good teams you know the ones that get in I I think like I said we made a step last year but now now we have to make sure we’re we’re taking the ability to move past that and and keep that going so um yeah I think Todd used the words not sneaking up on anybody no not anymore like but but I I think our coaching staff will have our players prepared for that

Q: heading into the season how close is the club to what your ideal version of the club would be

A: it’s getting there it’s getting there I think there’s less and less concerns through a lineup I think there still are at different times in that and there will be as the season goes on but I I do think we have players that can fill some certain roles and we do have some depth in the right positions if needed you know that that was a major Factor last year that I’m not sure we had set and understood well enough with major injuries that some of these guys were able to step in and play those minutes and and now we I think we’re in that same situation now we know that

Q: do you feel like you’re situated today do you feel like your strategy for running the club over the last few seasons has put you in a position of strength that you are glad you did that

A: yeah I think we’re in a spot where we continue to build on it you know the roster is starting to take that shape um you know the you know we’ve talked a lot about younger players the last few years but now they’re getting they’re getting some of the games in they’re getting uh you know whether it’s time in the American League or valuable time in the playoffs to to become not only players in our lineup but help us start winning

Q: Rob bit of a big picture that we’re seeing here but now you’re obviously more tighter against the cap than whatsoever how do you just look at in terms of managing the cap over the season and maintaining the kind of flexibility that you want to be able to have if and when in-season moves or…

A: yeah yeah well it’s a day-to-day basis Jake Goldberg runs a lot of that on our you know or in the back room here and he provides an update on every day and and and where we are at the cap the type of savings depending on which players um within your 23 or even if you’re carrying a little bit less to save here and there that all comes into Factor uh any deals you’re looking at any potential deals and everything once you’re up against the cap or very close to it you have to take all that into consideration

Q: what was that the plan especially after obviously adding Kevin signing Adrian whatsoever but you knew going into this year okay we’re going to be at this spot we’re going to be tighter and

A: yep no and it’s it’s constant planning not not only for tomorrow or the next day or month but for a year past year you know and then um but but all teams are have those restrictions and deal within that

Q: Rob you mentioned about your contract with us what about Todd

A: yep yes he’s got a year left yes

Q: one year?

A: yep yep uh well this year and next year yes yes sorry

Q: Any movement for any kind of extension that far?

A: no I don’t think we would get into that right now you know I’m sure that that conversation takes place at the end of next year like once it went to Seasons but um you know most of our coaching staff all of our coaching staff is pretty much equal in that situation too so

Q: In past seasons you had players claimed off waivers from the LA Kings. This season is there any time or thought spent paying attention to other teams rosters when making your decision about when to expose

A: um yeah you know we go over that constantly if if we if we’re in a healthy situation we have players that that may have to be exposed in waivers when do you when you put them on and when don’t you and I mean there’s two thoughts you put them on early but then the team can claim them and look at them you put them on later that still allows the team to have injuries most of our situations was we wanted to get through our camp make sure we’re healthy coming into Sunday uh yesterday sit down discuss the lineup players that were waiver eligible and weren’t and then go forward from there you know losing players on waivers is it’s part of the process I think we have to understand that and and when you start getting better and you have more quality players you’ll be in those situations

all right everyone thanks

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