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Copley to LAK, Spence, Kupari, Petersen to ONT

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# Copley to LAK, Spence, Kupari, Petersen to ONT

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2022-12-01LA Kings InsiderCopley to LAK, Spence, Kupari, Petersen to ONT

# Contributors

# Summary

Roster moves this morning impacting all three positions. Starting from the net out……the Kings have recalled goaltender Pheonix Copley from the AHL’s Ontario Reign and have assigned goaltender Cal Petersen, who cleared waivers, to Ontario.

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2022-12-01LA Kings InsiderCopley to LAK, Spence, Kupari, Petersen to ONT

# Players

# Staff

# Notes and Quotes

# Marco Sturm

[Pheonix Copley] was really solid, rock solid. He made some unbelievable saves and when you have a team in front of you and players in front of you who are really tight on their sticks and struggling a little bit, I think your goaltending will have to come up big and that’s what he did tonight.

As players, I think if you see that, and it shouldn’t happen, but it’s a good problem to have a guy like [Pheonix Copley] in the net. He calms things down. He had some rebounds, but most of them he covered it well. He was by far the number one star today and we won the game thanks to him.

# Rob Blake

I think the idea here is that Cal can go down to the American League and play in games, get that structure we believe in and come back up and help us. That’s as simple as it gets, that was the reasoning behind the decision and now we’re past the waivers, we can go in and he can practice there, get himself into some games and get playing.

I think as a defenseman or a forward, if you have a tough game or you’re struggling, you can go out and play limited minutes, if you’re a defenseman you can just put it off the boards or make a real simple play. It’s difficult in the goalie situation and we can only carry two. We can carry seven or eight D, we can carry 14 forwards if we want to, but we don’t have a lot of options [in net] to get goalies into games. That’s what this came about.

# Todd McLellan

It’s part of the reason why he’s paired there and for us, it’s trying lefty-righty, putting Durz on his strong side. Toby should feel comfortable with Matt, he should feel comfortable with his teammates in the locker room and the coaches. It should be drop him in and get some good games out of him. He’s played very well at the American League level and we want to see that transfer over to the NHL level. We believe in him and I think he feels pretty good about his game right now, so we’ll see how it goes.

[Samuel Fagemo] is coming up and he’s going to get his opportunity now to inject some life and some energy into the lineup. I didn’t think that Sammy had the type of training camp that he needed to have, so this is a real, real good opportunity for him. [Rasmus Kupari] has played well for our team, there are still a few things that we would like him to work on. I think that there are some areas that he can focus on, I don’t need to share those with you because I’ve talked to him about them, but there are some things that he can focus on down there. Just a few polish up points and it will help him.