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2022-23 Kings hockey - Five burning questions

Last updated Oct 31, 2022 Edit Source

# 2022-23 Kings hockey - Five burning questions

2022-10-10LA Daily News2022-23 Kings hockey - Five burning questions
2022-10-10LA Daily News2022-23 Kings hockey - Five burning questions

# Contributors

# Summary

The Kings enter this season, set to begin Tuesday, with burgeoning promise but also with more than their share of uncertainties. Here are five burning questions that the men in black and silver will answer over the course of 82 games.

# Players

# Staff

# Notes and Quotes

  1. Will the power play finally produce?

    Jimmy brought a fresh set of eyes to our video from last year. It wasn’t tainted with opinion or frustration or joy. He shared a lot of thoughts and ideas with us, so we adopted some of those things. He’s been around some good players and good power plays. – Todd McLellan

  2. Who are these guys, really?

    There’s always a place for progression, no place for regression. I don’t want to think that way, being scared of regression. I just want to get better as a team and as a player, and I’ll do whatever I can to win a Cup here. – Phillip Danault

  3. How much will Brandt Clarke play?

    He doesn’t lack confidence and he doesn’t portray arrogance. That’s a pretty good quality to have. – Todd McLellan

  4. Blue chips or red flags?

    I know I can make plays, so I just need to be more confident in myself and in my game. The rest will follow. – Quinton Byfield

  5. Can the Kings make the playoffs?

    We’re on the old side of things right now, but me, Quickie and Drew, I think we still have quite a bit left. With the young guys developing as fast and as good as they did, I think it’s most definitely an opportunity to win again. – Anze Kopitar